Orthopedic Surgeon In Hauppauge, NY

Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Mirza Orthopedics is the premier orthopedic hand, wrist, elbow & shoulder center on Long Island, serving active patients of all ages from Suffolk County, Nassau County, and beyond. Our Smithtown-based practice offers the latest nonsurgical and surgical treatment options for all types of hand and upper extremity injuries and conditions. If you are suffering from knee injuries, book an appointment with our Orthopedic Surgeon In Hauppauge, NY at Mirza Orthopedics. We are open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.


We are proud to serve many first responders and public servants who devote their lives to making their communities a better place to live. Whether you have suffered a work-related injury, a sports-related injury, a traumatic accident, or pain from normal wear and tear, Mirza Orthopedics provides compassionate care and technical expertise.


Our Long Island orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Ather Mirza and Dr. Justin Mirza, are dedicated to getting our patients back to their active lives with better results and less downtime. That’s why our day-to-day practice is closely linked to clinical orthopedic research and innovation. We specialize in cutting-edge minimally invasive procedures for carpal tunnel syndromecubital tunnel syndrome, and distal radius fractures, utilizing proprietary medical devices designed by our physicians. Since 1995, we have been developing intuitive surgical devices in design, providing superior workability for the surgeon and offering patients the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

A physical therapist aids a woman using a knee brace during her workout, with gym equipment in the background. The logo on the right reads: "Mirza Orthopedics," your trusted orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY.

Orthopedic Treatment After a Meniscus Tear

Are you looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY just a few miles away from Smithtown? Do you have swelling or stiffness of the knee? Do you have pain when twisting or rotating your knee? You may have a meniscus tear. A meniscus tear should not go untreated, and you should see a doctor immediately to get a proper diagnosis and explore treatment options. At Mirza Orthopedics, orthopedic surgeons Dr. Ather Mirza, Dr. Justin Mirza, and Dr. P Guillen focus on getting their patients back to their active lives with minimal downtime. Continue reading below to learn more about meniscus tears. 


Meniscus Tear

Your knee is made up of an inner and outer meniscus. Your meniscus consists of 2 C-shaped pieces of cartilage that act as a cushion between your shin and thigh bone. A meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries. Any movement or physical activity that causes you to twist or rotate your knee with the pressure of your entire body weight can lead to a torn meniscus.


Symptoms Of A Meniscus Tear

  • Popping sensation
  • Swelling of the knee
  • Stiffness 
  • Pain when twisting or rotating
  • Trouble straightening your knee 
  • Locking of the knee
  • Buckling of the knee


How To Treat A Meniscus Tear At An Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Treatment for the meniscus depends on the severity of the meniscus tear. To determine the severity of the meniscus tear, you must be formally diagnosed by a doctor. In order to diagnose your tear, you must have an X-ray and MRI taken of the affected knee. If it is a relatively mild meniscus tear, you can ice the area, rest, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. Often a meniscus tear can be healed on its own over time. If you notice that it is becoming increasingly painful and the swelling has not subsided, or you are unable to move your knee, you should see a doctor and explore the other treatment options available. In some cases, a meniscus tear does require surgery. If you need surgery and are looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, the orthopedic surgeons at Mirza Orthopedics in Smithtown will have you tear-free and back to your normal activities in no time.


Contact Mirza Orthopedics: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

If you are suffering from what you believe is a meniscus tear and are looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, contact Mirza Orthopedics in Smithtown today.

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Wrist Pain From Pitching

Sports can be one of the most common causes of wrist pain. Sports like baseball and softball require so many muscles and bones in the arm. These sports can cause issues for athletes of all ages if it is not taken care of early. If you are struggling with wrist pain, Mirza Orthopedics is an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, the next town over from Smithtown;  with years of training and experience to help relieve your pain. It is essential to understand your wrist pain and find a solution. 


Causes and Symptoms of Wrist Pain

Wrist pain can come from a variety of sources. For example, a sudden injury resulting in a sprain or fracture can cause wrist pain. Wrist pain can also result from chronic stress or arthritis. There are a variety of diseases and conditions associated with wrist pain, such as Ganglion Cysts, Kienbock’s Disease, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Because there are so many causes of wrist pain, there are different pains and symptoms associated with each cause. Pain can be sharp, dull, or tingling, depending on the cause of the pain. It is essential to see an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY when wrist pain starts to get in the way of daily activities such as sports or typing at a computer. 


Diagnosis of Wrist Pain

Initially, an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY will likely perform a physical exam on your wrist in their Smithtown office to determine what is wrong. The doctor will probably look for swelling and bruising. They may also cheOrthopedic in Commackck the wrist’s range of motion to see if the pain is causing a decrease in mobility. Finally, a doctor may order an X-ray, MRI, or other forms of imaging to gain a more detailed look at the wrist. 


Treatment of Wrist Pain: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Treatments for wrist pain vary depending on the specific diagnosis from the doctor. Some patients may require medications, either over-the-counter or prescription pain pills. Some patients with wrist pain may need to see a physical therapist to build strength in the wrist to relieve and prevent future wrist pain. Finally, a doctor may recommend surgery depending on how severe the diagnosis is and how severe the wrist pain is. 



It is essential to practice safety and good habits to prevent wrist pain from impacting one’s daily activities. Here are some ways to best avert wrist pain: 

  • Build bone strength by consuming proper amounts of calcium
  • Prevent falling by wearing appropriate shoes and installing handrails where necessary 
  • Wear protective gear for all athletic activities


Contact Our Office: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

If you are looking for an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, Mirza Orthopedics is here to take care of your wrist pain-needs. Whether your wrist is hurting from overuse or you had an injury after pitching in your baseball game, contact us at Mirza Orthopedics  in Smithtown for help! 

Treating Hand Arthritis

Are you looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY? Are you suffering from joint pain, specifically in your hand? Are you experiencing stiffness, weakness, or swelling in your hand? You may have hand osteoarthritis. At Mirza Orthopedics in Smithtown, orthopedic surgeons Dr. Ather Mirza and Dr. Justin Mirza focus on getting their patients back to their active lives with minimal downtime. Continue reading below to learn more about hand osteoarthritis. 

Arthritis orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Arthritis is swelling and tenderness of the joints. Arthritis of the hand will cause pain and stiffness at the base of your thumb, in the joints closest to your fingertips, and in the middle joint of the finger. 

Symptoms of hand osteoarthritis

  • Joint pain
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling 
  • Redness
  • Limited or decreased range of motion
  • Clicking or cracking noise

Causes of arthritis flare-ups

  • Cold weather
  • Overuse 
  • Wear and tear
  • Stress 
  • Infection 

How to treat Arthritis 

There are several ways to treat arthritis in the hands. There is no cure for osteoarthritis in the hands, but there are things that can be done to decrease your pain and discomfort over time. You can take painkillers such as Tylenol or ibuprofen to reduce any pain you experience daily. The use of immobilizing devices like a brace or sleeve can also lessen pain by keeping your hand in a stable position. You can also undergo hand therapy, similar to physical therapy, where you would learn exercises and less painful ways to complete the daily tasks you may struggle with. 

Cortisone shots are another treatment option that may help reduce pain and inflammation for several weeks or months but must be limited. If the treatments listed previously do not work, you may opt for surgery. If you are looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, to help with your arthritis, you should schedule an appointment with Long Island orthopedic surgeons Dr. Ather Mirza and Dr. Justin Mirza at Mirza Orthopedics in Smithtown, NY. Dr. Schwartz, and Dr. Alongi will provide you with the best custom-tailored treatment plan for your arthritis.

Contact Mirza Orthopedics – Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

If you are suffering from what you believe is arthritis in your hands and are looking for a orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, contact Mirza Orthopedics today for an appointment in our Smithtown office.

Causes of Hand Arthritis

What Triggers Hand Arthritis?

If you suffer from hand arthritis, you might wonder what triggers it. What are the causes of hand arthritis? Many factors can lead to hand arthritis. The most common triggers are repetitive use of the hands, trauma to the hand, and arthritis. Finding the proper Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY can be tiring. Contact Mirza Orthopedics as soon as possible! 

Causes of Hand Arthritis Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Hand arthritis is a condition that is caused by overuse. This can occur from a lifetime of repetitive movements such as typing, playing the piano, and playing sports. Some factors can lead to hand arthritis, such as a genetic predisposition, carpal tunnel syndrome history, or repetitive motion injuries. Other factors leading to hand arthritis are a history of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. The main symptoms of hand arthritis are aching, numbness, and tingling in the fingers and pain in the knuckles. Some other symptoms can occur, such as swelling and stiffness.

How to Avoid Triggers That Can Cause Hand Arthritis

Some triggers can cause hand arthritis. These triggers can include: – prolonged use of a computer mouse – prolonged use of a computer keyboard – prolonged use of a smartphone – prolonged use of a smartphone with a case – prolonged use of specific hand tools – prolonged use of particular hand tools with a case – prolonged use of a smartphone with a case. Get in touch with us if you need an Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY.

How to Prevent Hand Arthritis

Many triggers can cause hand arthritis. One of the most common triggers is a repetitive strain on your hands. This can happen when you are doing the same tasks over and over again. It can also occur when you have been doing the same functions for an extended time. Other triggers for hand arthritis can include carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and repetitive stress injuries. If you have any of these triggers, it is crucial to take preventative measures. These include taking breaks, stretching your hands, and using more ergonomic tools. Come see the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY today. Mirza Orthopedics is here to assist you.

Why Choose Mirza Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

When arthritis sets in, it can be hard to do the things you love. It can be even harder to do the things you love when your arthritis makes the pain worse. That is why it is crucial to find a physical therapist to help you manage arthritis pain and reduce discomfort. Mirza Orthopedics is one of the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY. We have various products specifically designed to help relieve arthritis pain and discomfort. Visit our website today!

A man in a white coat with "Dr. Justin Mays" embroidered, stands in front of a brick wall, smiling, and wearing a blue tie.

Justin Mirza, D.O.

Man with short gray hair smiling, wearing a light-colored jacket, with a blurred outdoor background.

Ather Mirza, M.D.

Man smiling, wearing a dark shirt, with short, dark hair, and a blurred background that hints at his expertise as an elbow surgeon in Suffolk County.

Faruk Razzak, D.O.

A man wearing glasses and a white lab coat over blue scrubs stands smiling in front of a brick wall.

Joseph Patti, P.A.

Treating Hand Fractures

Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NYA broken hand can be a harrowing experience. Sometimes fractures can heal on their own. Sometimes they can’t. If you have a fractured hand, you should seek medical attention, but there are some steps you can take to reduce the pain and help your hand heal more quickly. In this post, I will discuss when it is appropriate to treat a broken hand, the best ways to treat a fractured hand, and what should be done for the best outcomes. If you need an Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, contact the office of Mirza Orthopedics. We are available to help you! 

When is it Appropriate To Treat a Broken Hand?

If your hand is cast, it is vital to keep it dry and elevated. If your hand is in a splint, keep it dry and formal. If your hand is in a sling, you must also keep it dry and elevated. If your hand is in a cast and sling, you must keep it dry and formal. If your hand is in a splint and sling, you must also keep it dry and elevated. You must keep your hand above your heart in any of these cases. If you don’t have access to a sling, you can use a pillow or two to keep your hand elevated. Finding an Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY can be a hassle. Visit our website to schedule an appointment.

Best Ways To Treat a Broken Hand

A broken hand is a painful injury that requires immediate medical attention. You should first make an appointment with your doctor to treat a fractured hand. If you are in a hurry, you can also make an appointment with a nearby emergency room. Our doctors will likely recommend casting the needle in a splint to treat the broken hand. It is crucial to keep the writing elevated and to apply cold therapy to the injury. You should also ensure that you drink plenty of fluids and eat healthily. It is also essential to avoid any activities that could further injure the hand. A broken hand is a severe injury that can be pretty painful, so it is crucial to treat it properly. You may need an Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY if the injury persists. Call us today to find out. 

Contact Us: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

Fractured bones can be painful and difficult to heal. The sooner you seek medical attention, the sooner you can start healing. If you cannot see a doctor, it is advisable to use ice or heat to reduce pain and swelling. It would help if you also protected the injured area from further damage. To help you with this, you should use a splint to help keep the bones in place. If you need a Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, contact us as soon as possible! 

orthopedic Patchogue

Mirza Orthopedics, orthopedic  surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, offers several ways to avoid rotator cuff injuries, which are common among athletes and manual laborers. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help stabilize the shoulder, and a tear in these structures can cause significant pain and limit movement. However, there are several strategies that can help reduce your risk of suffering a rotator cuff injury.


A torn rotator cuff is a common shoulder injury that occurs when the tendons or muscles of the rotator cuff are damaged. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help stabilize the shoulder and enable normal shoulder movement. When the rotator cuff is torn, it can cause significant pain and limit mobility. Torn rotator cuffs can occur due to a sudden injury, such as a fall, or from overuse due to repetitive movements, such as throwing a ball or lifting heavy weights. Symptoms of a torn rotator cuff may include shoulder pain, weakness in the shoulder, and difficulty lifting or rotating the arm. Treatment options for a torn rotator cuff may include physical therapy, non-surgical interventions, or surgery. Early intervention by an orthopedic  surgeon in Hauppauge, NY is key to a successful outcome and can help reduce the risk of further damage.


  • Strengthen the rotator cuff muscles: One of the best ways to avoid rotator cuff injuries is to keep the muscles and tendons strong and flexible. Simple exercises such as shoulder rotations, internal and external rotations, and reverse flies can help strengthen the rotator cuff. Incorporating these exercises into your routine can help prevent rotator cuff tears from occurring.


  • Improve posture: Poor posture can put extra stress on the rotator cuff and increase the risk of injury. To maintain good posture, keep your shoulders back and down, avoid slouching, and maintain a neutral spine.


  • Stretch before physical activity: Tight muscles can lead to rotator cuff injuries. Stretching before any physical activity can help prevent this by increasing flexibility and reducing the risk of injury. Focus on stretching the shoulder blades, neck, and upper back to reduce stress on the rotator cuff.


  • Avoid repetitive motions: Repetitive motions, such as throwing a ball or lifting heavy weights, can put extra strain on the rotator cuff. To avoid these types of injuries, vary your activities, and take regular breaks to give your shoulders a rest.


  • Wear the appropriate protective gear: For athletes and manual laborers, wearing the appropriate protective gear can help reduce the risk of rotator cuff injuries. This can include shoulder pads, wrist braces, or weightlifting gloves.


  • Maintain a healthy weight: Carrying extra weight can put additional stress on the rotator cuff. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can reduce the strain on the shoulder and prevent rotator cuff injuries.


  • Seek orthopedic care: If you are experiencing shoulder pain or discomfort, it’s essential to seek orthopedic care. An orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY can diagnose the issue, develop a treatment plan, and offer recommendations to prevent future injuries.


  • Avoid overhead movements: Overhead movements, such as reaching for items on high shelves or overhead lifting, can put significant strain on the rotator cuff. To avoid these types of injuries, it’s important to avoid excessive overhead movements or to use proper form when performing these movements.


  • Take breaks: Repetitive motions and sustained overhead movements can lead to rotator cuff injuries. Taking breaks throughout the day can help reduce the risk of injury and give your rotator cuff time to rest and recover.


  • Seek treatment promptly: If you do experience a rotator cuff injury, it’s important to seek treatment promptly. Early intervention can help reduce the risk of further damage and improve the chances of a successful recovery.


Contact Us: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

In conclusion, there are several ways to avoid rotator cuff injuries, including strengthening the rotator cuff muscles, improving posture, stretching before physical activity, avoiding repetitive motions, wearing protective gear, maintaining a healthy weight, and seeking orthopedic care. If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or discomfort, don’t wait. Seek an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY at Mirza Orthopedics to get an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan. By taking these steps, you can protect your rotator cuff and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. Schedule and appointment today!

knee surgeon in Smithtown


During knee replacement surgery, damaged or worn-out knee joint components are replaced. The procedure may improve the knee’s functionality and reduce pain. Damaged bone and cartilage are replaced during surgery with plastic and metal components. An orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY can evaluate your knee’s strength, stability, and range of motion to determine whether or not you should have a knee replacement. X-rays can assist in determining the degree of damage.

Your age, weight, degree of exercise, the size and form of your knees, and general health will determine the best replacement joints and surgical procedures for you. If you are currently suffering from knee pain or suspect that you may have torn your meniscus, book a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY at Mirza Orthopedics today!


Why it’s done

The most frequent purpose of knee replacement surgery is to relieve arthritis discomfort. Those who require knee replacement surgery frequently struggle to stand up from a chair, walk up steps, and climb stairs.

Surgeons can frequently replace just the injured portion of the knee if it only has one damaged area. The thigh bone and shinbone ends are reshaped, and the entire joint is resurfaced if the entire joint needs to be replaced. These bones are made up of rigid tubes with soft centers. The prosthetic components’ ends are put into the softer middle region of the bones.


During the Procedure with an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

An average knee replacement procedure lasts one to two hours. The orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY does the procedure by:

  • creating a cut across the knee
  • removing diseased, damaged, and cartilage-containing bone, leaving healthy bone unharmed
  • fusing the new components to the kneecap, shinbone, and thighbone


After the Procedure

You will spend some time recovering in the recovery area after surgery. The length of your hospital stay following surgery will depend on your specific requirements. On the same day, many folks can return home.

Following knee replacement surgery, there is an increased risk of blood clots. You may need to: 

  • Move early
  • Apply pressure
  • Take blood thinners

You can take part in a variety of low-impact activities after you’ve recovered, such as riding, walking, swimming, golfing, or tennis. However, you should stay away from sports that entail contact or jumping, as well as high-impact exercises like jogging. Discuss how to continue being active after a knee replacement with an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY Mirza Orthopedics.


Contact Us: Orthopedic Surgeon in Hauppauge, NY

If you are in need of an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY, contact Mirza Orthopedics today by visiting our website or giving us a call at (631) 361-5302.

orthopedic in Patchogue

Carpal tunnel syndrome results from the compression of the median nerve. On the hand’s palm side, the carpal tunnel is a small opening encircled by bones and ligaments. Numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm are signs of median nerve compression. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by repetitive hand motions, health issues, and wrist morphology. At Mirza Orthopedics, an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY can assist with the appropriate care and recover wrist and hand function. 


Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms


  • Tingling or numbness: Numbness and tingling in the fingers or hand may be apparent. The thumb, index, middle, or ring fingers are typically afflicted.
  • Weakness: This can be because the thumb’s pinching muscles, which are similarly regulated by the median nerve, are weak or because the hand is numb.


Risk Factors

Carpal tunnel syndrome has been linked to a number of variables. Even though they might not be the direct cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, they might make the median nerve more susceptible to irritation or damage. These consist of the following:


  • Anatomical aspects: the space within the carpal tunnel may change due to a wrist fracture, dislocation, or arthritis that deforms the tiny bones of the wrist and places pressure on the median nerve
  • Neurological disorders: the risk of nerve damage, particularly damage to the median nerve, is increased by a number of chronic conditions, including diabetes.
  • Inflammation: related illnesses: the lining around the tendons in the wrist can be impacted by rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, placing pressure on the median nerve
  • Other health problems: carpal tunnel syndrome may be more likely in those who have menopause, thyroid issues, kidney failure, lymphedema, and other medical concerns.


When to see an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY: 

If your regular activities or sleep habits are disrupted by carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and indicators, consult an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY. Without therapy, permanent nerve and muscle damage can happen. Long Island’s top orthopedic practice, Mirza Orthopedics, focuses on treating all hand, wrist, elbow, knee, and shoulder ailments. Professionals such as an orthopedic surgeon in Hauppauge, NY are committed to providing specialized, individualized care while utilizing the most cutting-edge surgical methods, such as arthroscopic and minimally invasive procedures. Call today!

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