Wrist Injuries

The wrist is a complex joint consisting of numerous bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that work together to provide a wide range of motion and functionality. From sports injuries to falling onto an outstretched hand to repetitive stress injuries, many possible scenarios can cause wrist pain.


When you develop a painful condition or sustain an injury impacting one or more wrists, getting treatment is crucial to restoring function and maintaining your everyday routine. A consultation with the wrist doctors and specialists at Mirza Orthopedics, the premier orthopedic hand, wrist, elbow & shoulder center on Long Islandis the first step to determining what’s causing your wrist pain and receiving treatment. The wrist is a complex joint consisting of numerous bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that work together to provide a wide range of motion and functionality. From sports injuries to falling onto an outstretched hand to repetitive stress injuries, many possible scenarios can cause wrist pain.


When you develop a painful condition or sustain an injury impacting one or more wrists, getting treatment is crucial to restoring function and maintaining your everyday routine. A consultation with the wrist doctors and specialists at Mirza Orthopedics, the premier orthopedic hand, wrist, elbow & shoulder center on Long Island, is the first step to determining what’s causing your wrist pain and receiving treatment. Our practice is dedicated to providing personalized and expert care, serving patients of all ages from Suffolk County, Nassau County, and beyond. We are devoted to helping you return to your active life with minimal discomfort and downtime. Book an appointment with our orthopedic wrist doctors for wrist pain relief at our Smithtown offices.


What are the common causes of wrist pain?

Wrist pain and wrist-related problems may result from several possible causes.

Potential causes of wrist pain may include:


Many things can result in wrist pain, and it’s critical that you seek an evaluation from an experienced orthopedic wrist specialist to understand your particular symptoms and learn about your treatment options. Contact our Smithtown office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ather Mirza or Dr. Justin Mirza at Mirza Orthopedics, our orthopedic wrist pain doctors.

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